The insurance time limit that contract of company worth insurance agrees is1 year commonly, also can cast guarantee short-term a place difficult of access, after insurance period is full, can renew protect, but add is protected must do procedure additionally. 企业财产保险合同约定的保险期限一般为1年,也可以投保短期险,保险期满后,可以再续保,但续保须另办手续。
But no alteration in terms of the said contract or in the extent or nature of the works to be executed, completed and defects therein remedied thereunder shall in any way release the Guarantor from any liability under the above-written guarantee. 但所签合同条款,或对工程的实施、完成及修补其缺陷的性质和范围的任何变更,不解除保证人所承担之上述保证书规定的义务。
Both parts should obey by this contract and the agreement of quality guarantee and supplement attached while executing this contract. 执行本合同时,双方应自觉遵守本合同及其附带的质量保证协议和附件。
The kind that carries an agreement in time according to contract requirement to insurance cost of insurance company pay, lest appear the situation of guarantee slip invalidation. 按照合同要求及时通过约定的方式向保险公司缴纳保费,以免出现保单失效的局面。
The pre-delivery inspection shall not substitute the inspection of the Contract Equipment at the port of Unloading and/ or the Job Site and shall not release the Seller from its guarantee obligations as further specified in the Contract. 装船前的检验并不能替代卸货港和/或工作现场的检验,也不能免除卖方基于本合同的担保义务。
In some cases, jointly developed the economic aspects of the plan can be modified in the contract of guarantee clause or field service terms. 在有些情况下,共同制定经济方面的计划可以修正合同中的担保条款或现场服务的条款。
Carry out the contract system for family health services are the effective ways of guarantee service quality, build closer relation between the patients and community health center, perfect the medical insurance compensative mechanism. 推行家庭健康服务合同制是确保服务质量、密切医患关系、完善补偿机制的有效途径。
Through the introduction of the electronic contract from the enrollment center of VE, the restriction mechanism is established to guarantee effection coordination of the business process of individual VE. 通过引入基于虚拟企业公共注册中心信息的电子合同来建立企业业务过程协调的约束机制,从而保证企业间业务过程有效协调。
Contract of payment by instalments, leasing contract, money lending contract and movable estate guarantee contract only respectively deal with partial characteristics of financial leasing from the perspectives of traditional contracts. 分期付款买卖契约说、租赁契约说、货币借贷契约说、动产担保交易说仅从传统契约类型的角度阐释了融资租赁交易的局部特征。
Through system innovation, the government recessive contract of guarantee withdraws from the stock market and that the market rule guides the stock market's running trend is the possible choice of preventing its big rises and falls. 通过制度创新,政府隐性担保契约从股市退出,让市场规律指导股票市场运行走势是稳定股市、防止股市大起大落的可能选择。
As for the floating cargo, a special trade, goods risk's transfer is still settled by goods delivering time, which shows signing contract in formal, and seller still has responsibilities for specialization of goods and the limited quality guarantee to transfer goods risk. 对于海上路货这种特殊交易,货物的风险仍以货物交付时间来决定转移时间,但形式上表现为合同的订立。卖方仍负货物特定化和有限的品质保证责任来转移货物的风险。
Reform of faculty employment system under contract is a key link in the construction of modern university system. How to select and encourage faculty and to guarantee the quality of faculty has been a "bottleneck" in contemporary efforts. 教师聘用制度改革是现代大学制度建设的重要环节,如何选聘和激励教师,确保教师队伍质量已经成为现代大学制度建设的瓶颈问题。
Finally, this paper analyses the difficulty to establish construction contract guarantee system in construction industry of our country proposing basic tactics on establishing and enforcing construction contract guarantee system at the present time. 最后,本文研究分析了在我国建筑业建立工程保证担保制度所面临的困难,提出了我国目前建立和推行工程保证担保制度的基本策略和建议。
In order to secure the security of deals and achievement of the contractual liability, both of the official decrees and folk customs required that the parties to the contract of sale must make the article of guarantee clear in their contracts. 为了保障交易安全,保证买卖之债的实现,官府法令与民间习惯均要求买卖双方尤其是卖方,必须在契约订立时明确各类担保条款。
The Relationship between Dissolution of the Principal Contract and the Guarantee Contract& analyzing based on the goal of guarantee 主合同解除与保证合同的关系&从保证目的的角度分析
The intervention from the government recessive contract of guarantee intensified the stock market's abnormal policy fluctuation. 政府隐性担保契约偏好对股市的干预加剧了股市的政策性异常波动。
This principle is applied to two relations between contract of guarantee and mandate and primary contract, and that is scope of independent principle. 从定义中我们可以看出独立性原则的适用范围与内容。银行独立担保的当事人是银行与受益人,与银行担保相联系的是申请人与受益人间的基础合同和申请人与受益人间的委托合同。
The defense system in the Contract Law should enhance the regulation about the right of plea against the advance performance and the defense right of the guarantee. 我国《合同法》中的抗辩权体系中应增加规定先履行抗辩权和保证人的抗辩权。
There are two controversial theories in the field of the guarantee insurance, which are the character of the guarantee insurance and the independence of the contract of guarantee insurance. 履约保证保险存在两大理论争议,保证保险的性质和保证保险合同的独立性。
Analysis Legal Effect about Contract of Guarantee Treatment Effect 包医合同法律效力分析
Guarantee responsibility, which is debt responsibility undertaken by the guarantor for the creditor, is emerged because of guarantee contract. This kind of responsibility has the characteristics different from general debt responsibility and the difference of guarantee pattern. 保证责任因保证合同而生,是保证人对债权人承担的债务责任,这种责任具有不同与一般债务责任的特征,且因保证方式的不同而有所差别。
Fine for breach of contract has the attributes of compensation, penalty and guarantee. 违约金具有补偿性、惩罚性和担保属性。
The aim to undertake the regulation of the tourism contract is to protect tourists 'legal rights, maintain the normal order of the tourism market, guarantee and promote the healthy development of tourism economy. 保护旅游者合法权益,维护旅游市场的正常秩序,保障和促进旅游经济的健康发展,是旅游合同立法的重要意义。
Guarantee is an important way of the contract guaranty, and guarantee period is a vital content of the guarantee contract. 保证是会同担保的一种方式,保证期间是保证合同的重要内容。
A liquidated damages clause is a basic clause provided by Contract Law to procure the full implementation of a contract, and its legislation purpose is also reflected by the adoption of a liquidated damages clause in a guarantee contract of a guarantee company. 违约金条款是合同法设立的旨在促使合同得到全面履行的一项基本条款,担保公司在保证合同中设立违约金条款无疑也体现了这一立法宗旨。
That signature behavior of a third party in the loan contract should not be identified to assume the debts of the exemption, the third party to perform and guarantee should be recognized for the debt to join. 明确案例中借贷合同上第三方的签名行为不应认定为免责的债务承担、第三人代为履行和保证,应认定为债务加入。
To sum up, Chinese contract legislation have abandoned the form of guarantee liability about blemish system, advocate the value and ideas of guarantee liability about blemish system in future legislation. 一言以蔽之:我国合同立法已弃瑕疵担保责任制度之形式,而在今后的立法中应扬瑕疵担保责任制度之价值和理念。
And propose appropriate legislative proposals, should be considered first of all medical services contract with the provisions of the famous through the perfection of the applicable laws and regulations, to adjust and standard medical services contract, guarantee and improve the quality and effectiveness. 并提出相应的立法建议,认为首先应该将医疗服务合同进行有名化规定,同时通过完善相关的法律法规,来调整和规范医疗服务合同的履行,保证和提高其履行的质量和效果。
So the contract transaction of life insurance should be defined the right by laws so as to guarantee the reliability of promises and to increase efficiency of transaction. 寿险契约交易就需要通过法律对权利进行界定,保证交易承诺的可信性,有利于提高市场交易效率。